Tverrslag K2C Skøyen

  • Client: Oslo Komunne
  • Main contractor: NRC Group
  • Contractor: Metrostav Norge AS
  • Construction period: 01/2022 – 07/2022
  • Price: 66 000 000 NOK w/o VAT

Project characteristics:

The Fornebu line is a new metro line which will run from Majorstuen to Fornebu. The track will be built in collaboration with Oslo Municipality and Viken County Municipality. This metro development is the largest in Norway since the large developments of the metro on the eastern edge of Oslo in the 1960s and 70s.

The new metro will, among other things, contribute to:

  • ensure an efficient and good communication solution for residents throughout the Oslo region
  • reduce the load on the surface network in Oslo and Bærum
  • reduce future traffic growth
  • facilitate sustainable and future-oriented urban development along the route

The car park on Harbitzalléen 2a by Hoffsveien will be used as rig area for access tunnel construction. The access tunnel will allow the access and excavation of main metro tunnels of the Skøyen – Vækerø section and the Skøyen station.

Project data

1 piece (291 m + 25,5 m appendix)
Tunnel profile: 77 m2
Excavated volume: 26 600 m3
Shotcrete: 1350 m3
Cement grouting: 1 346 000 kg
Rock bolts: 2 360 pcs


Chalenges / Specifics of the project

  • excavation very close to an important railway line
  • high tunnel tightness requirements
  • strict noise limits
  • excavations in inhabited area
  • very limited space for site arrangement
