E39 Lønset Hjelset

  • Client: Statens Vegvesen
  • Main contractor: Bertelsen & Garpestad AS
  • Contractor: Metrostav Norge AS
  • Construction period: 01/2022 – 11/2022
  • Price: app. 100 000 000 NOK w/o VAT

Project characteristics:

The subcontract for construction of seven concrete bridges at newly constructed road section of E39.

Five of them use precast bridge girders and two will be concreted at site. The entire project is “design and build”.

Project data

Bridges: 28 m + 18 m + 32 m + 40 m + 15 m + 22 m (100 m) + 72 m
Concrete: 7000 m3
Reinforcement: 1250 t


Chalenges / Specifics of the project

  • Design and build
  • Work near and below the level of watercourses
  • “No drawing” project, only BIM models
  • Casting at low temprerature at wintertime
